epub |eng | 2012-01-18 | Author:Federica Frabetti

This passage shows the difficulty of describing the transition from problem to solution purely in logical terms—those of the logical ‘completeness’ (or exhaustiveness) of the description of the problem. Interestingly, ...
( Category: Deconstruction January 19,2016 )
epub |eng | 2013-01-09 | Author:Gaston, Sean [Gaston, Sean]

Chapter Six World, Fiction and Earth 1. Literature and the Impossibility of World Having examined the concept of world in the history of philosophy from Kant to Derrida, in this ...
( Category: Deconstruction January 10,2016 )
epub |eng | 2013-01-08 | Author:Nancy, Jean-Luc, McKeane, John

7 The drive to sense—to sense and to the truth that is suspended in it—is in us and through us the only thing that can, beyond justice, or rather, as ...
( Category: Deconstruction January 9,2016 )
epub |eng | 2015-08-10 | Author:Raschke, Carl A.

COUNTERFEIT MONEY Derrida has also raised the question of the same aporia in reference to the religious, a question he derives from Levinas’s paradoxical formulation of the “infinite” responsibility a ...
( Category: Deconstruction December 29,2015 )
epub |eng | | Author:Harris, Roy, de Saussure, Ferdinand

Chapter 3 [150] Identities, Realities, Values The foregoing considerations raise a crucial problem. It is all the more important in that the fundamental concepts of static linguistics are directly based ...
( Category: Structuralism December 11,2015 )
epub |eng | 2014-05-05 | Author:Denis Guenoun

Here the letters, the date book, all writing cease. I’ll never know the reunion, the kisses, the yoo-yoos of the grandmother, the cries and tears of the baby, the shy, ...
( Category: African June 15,2015 )
mobi |eng | 2012-10-01 | Author:Margolis, Karen, Sloterdijk, Peter [Margolis, Karen, Sloterdijk, Peter]

* 2 Corinthians 3:6–8 (“For the letter kills but the spirit quickens.”)—Translator’s note. 3 THEORY AND SUSPENDED ANIMATION AND ITS METAMORPHOSES Following these explanations, I can tackle the task of ...
( Category: Phenomenology June 14,2015 )
epub |eng | 2012-10-01 | Author:Margolis, Karen, Sloterdijk, Peter

* 2 Corinthians 3:6–8 (“For the letter kills but the spirit quickens.”)—Translator’s note. 3 THEORY AND SUSPENDED ANIMATION AND ITS METAMORPHOSES Following these explanations, I can tackle the task of ...
( Category: Phenomenology June 14,2015 )
epub, pdf |eng | 2014-07-14 | Author:Gabriel Rockhill

AESTHETIC GENEALOGY In a revealing interview, Rancière candidly admits his indebtedness to Michel Foucault: “The genealogy of the concept of literature that I have attempted in La Parole muette [Mute ...
( Category: Deconstruction March 3,2015 )
epub |eng | 2012-06-19 | Author:Adorno, Theodor W. [Adorno, Theodor W.]

Education After Auschwitz The premier demand upon all education is that Auschwitz not happen again. Its priority before any other requirement is such that I believe I need not and ...
( Category: Deconstruction November 22,2014 )
epub |eng | 2012-09-17 | Author:Sloterdijk, Peter [Sloterdijk, Peter]

* 2 Corinthians 3:6–8 (“For the letter kills but the spirit quickens.”)—Translator’s note. 3 THEORY AND SUSPENDED ANIMATION AND ITS METAMORPHOSES Following these explanations, I can tackle the task of ...
( Category: Phenomenology November 8,2014 )
epub |eng | 2010-04-22 | Author:Sloterdijk, Peter [Sloterdijk, Peter]

Based on the essence of the law of necessity and full justice, we have to dedicate ourselves fully to the enduring, irresistible, incessant destruction, which needs to grow like a ...
( Category: Deconstruction November 8,2014 )
epub |eng | 2014-01-23 | Author:Barish, Evelyn

28. “LIES, AND LIES, AND LIES” PAUL AND PAT RETURNED TO BARD IN EARLY JANUARY 1950 TO A PERpetually improvised existence. Paul had already found his salary too meager to ...
( Category: Deconstruction June 6,2014 )
epub |eng | 2014-02-24 | Author:Elaine P. Miller

CONCLUSION: THE UNCANNY IN CONTEMPORARY ART Photographs of the Earth from outer space no longer have a distinctly uncanny effect on us. We may, by contrast, upon viewing these photographs, ...
( Category: Deconstruction April 5,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2008-12-14 | Author:Cavarero, Adriana [Cavarero, Adriana]

14 For a History of Terror The designation “terrorism” represents an intellectual simplification that is satisfied with spreading a blanket of disapproval over things whose logics we cannot easily discern. ...
( Category: Deconstruction March 25,2014 )